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    文档类型:.zip 文档大小:31.42 KB 推荐等级: 发布时间:2013-03-26 下载次数:
    Unit11                                    Section A 一、学习目标:(一) Important words and phrases:restroom, shampoo, drugstore, cafe, escalator, block, oak, magic, fresh, uncrowded, department store (二) Important sentences: 1) Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 2) Could you please tell me if there are any good museums in Newtown? 3) Could you tell me how to get to the post office? (三)Grammar: 由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句和简单句的互换。二、预习检测:预习并翻译下列词汇:1)公共厕所,休息室____ 2)药店____ 3)电动扶梯____ 4)街区 ____5)橡树____ 6)香波____ 7)魔术 ____8)新鲜的____ 9)百货商店____三、教学过程Step1 情景导入:Excuse me .Could you please tell me where I can get a dictionary?Step2 自主学习: 1a、Where can you do the following things ?    Match each thing with a place in the picture.1c、2c PairworkStep3 合作互动:3a and 3bRead the article .Then list the advantages and disadvantages of going to the mall.四、梳理归纳:本节课我学会了______________________________________五、当堂检测(一)、单项选择( )1.--Could you please tell me ______?-- No.32 Bus will take you right there.A. where is Henan Museum      B. what Henan Museum is like C. how can I get to Henan Museum D. which bus I shall take to Henan Museum ( )2. Nobody knows what dinosaurs _______       .A. looked like      B. looked for     C. looked at      D. looked after( )3. Everyone else was invited in my class ________ me.A. except          B. but           C. besides       D. and( )4. There were many famous predictions that never _________ .A. came true       B. came real      C. come true      D. be true( )5. While the boy was shopping, he saw the UFO _______.A. took off        B. taking off    C. takes off     D. take off( )6. Don't watch TV _________ .A. all the same    B. a11 the time     C. sometimes    D. at times( )7. Tom writes as  _______ as I.A. careful         B. carefuler     C. more careful    D. carefully
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