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    文档类型:.rar 文档大小:354.94 KB 推荐等级: 发布时间:2012-12-07 下载次数:
    In America, there are Chores for children of different ages. American people think it’s important to tell children their duty in the family. Use this list of age chores for your children.
    Ages 2-3
    ◆Help make the bed;
    ◆Pick up toys and books;
    ◆Take laundry to the laundry room;[来源:Zxxk.Com]
    ◆Help feed pets. Ages 4-5
    ◆Clear and set the table;
    ◆Help cook dinner;
    ◆Put away groceries(杂货).
    Ages 6-8
    ◆Take care of pets;
    ◆Take out the trash.
    Ages 9-12
    ◆Help wash the car;
    ◆Learn to wash the dishes;
    ◆Clean the bathroom.
    46、This passage tells us something about .
    A. American children B. Chinese children
    C. children all over the world D. people all over the world
    47、American people think children should do chores in the family because .
    A. children have nothing to do except(除了) playing
    B. they think children should develop(养成) good habits
    C. they think it’s important to let children know their duty in the family
    D. parents want their children to be good
    48、If Bob is 3 years old, he can .
    A. set the table B. help make the bed C. wash the dishes D. take out the trash
    49、Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
    A. Children should help parents do housework.
    B. A 5-years-old child can help make dinner.
    C. A 10-year-old child should be able to clean the bathroom.
    D. 12-year-old Mary may not be able to wash the dishes.
    50、What’s the passage mainly about?
    A. Why children should do chores.
    B. What chores American children of different ages should do.
    C. Children have duty in the family.
    D. Different opinions(观点) on whether(是否) children should do chores in the family.
    Do teenagers(青少年) in small villages do chores at home? How about the teenagers in big cities? We made a survey last month. We asked 4,000 teenagers in China. Half of them come from big cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. The others are from small villages. We made a diagram(图表) according to our survey. Let’s have a
    look at it.
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